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Battle for Nintendo Switch: creators commentary

Posted by Realcaydenlimewire - December 16th, 2024

Battle for Nintendo switch: creator commentary

Bfns early beginnings 

so I was at my grandpa’s house, watching YouTube. and then I saw a series called battle for paradise, and i didn’t know what I was but was enamored and kinda like this thing. and then I saw the channel who made this, Joey b. and I watch some of his stuff, but i really liked bfp. but bfp wasn’t the only object show that I like, I also liked battle for dream island, inanimate insanity, brawl of the objects. and but then I saw that he made a video, where he shows some storyboards for bfp season 2. with that being a teaser for season 2, and i thought about voicing one of his characters. and I ask if I can voice one of the characters, and he said I can voice sun. and I was excited because I get to be on a show I liked. so what does this have to do with bfns you may say? well due to me being on a object show and me liking object shows, I thought about making my own object show. and then i thought about it, and Originally the host was a mega phone, and the co host was a yo yo. But later this was changed to a yo yo as the host and the kool aid man as the co host, the reason why the kool aid man is because of my love of family guy at the time. And i thought of the contestants would fight for an Nintendo Switch, because of my want for a Nintendo Switch at the time. And the contestants were cayden, bread/toast, Tony the clock, colin the computer, Garfield, Mr game and watch, bender, pill, and ping pong ball. the reason why I’m in the show is because I thought it would be cool to be in the show myself, and the reason why he’s stylized after bill cipher is because of my old pfp and the reason why my pfp was bill cipher because i thought he looked cool. The reasoning behind bread and dice is because a show object mayhem, where they’re are contestants there. And i thought it would be cool to have them in my show. The reasoning behind bread tony and colin is because i was a fan of dhmis, and i thought it would be cool to have them in my show. The reasoning behind Garfield is because i thought it would be funny to ad him in there, The reasoning behind bender is because i thought he was cool and so I just put him in. And for Mr game and watch is because i main him in super smash bros, so i just putted him in. The reasoning behind pill is because of me liking the game dr Mario, and stylizing pill after the red and blue pills. And the reasoning behind ping pong ball is because i thought it would be interesting. So with the cast in set I made some episodes.

Battle for Nintendo Switch 

they’re now lost but I do remember some so I’ll talk about that. I remember a challenge where they try not to freeze to death, which later inspired season 4 episode 2. There was another one that was not to drown in lava in a volcano, which was partially founded by a friend. And that was the 3rd episode of season 1, and it was don’t drown and also inspired season 4 episode 4. There was an episode that was inspired by the quiz episode from bfb 8, and a joke i remember from that was “what is the most unpopular family guy character, meg.” And there’s an episode that was an eating contest, and there was a joke where the healthy band from dhmis 5 said “you shouldn’t eat food from a strangers plate” and yo yo told them to shut up. And I think there was a time where the contestants voted someone to be eliminated, but I don’t remember who. I think this season had 8 episodes, and  think Mr game and watch was the winner. Later on it would have a season 2.

Battle for Nintendo switch again 

So with a new season came new contestants, grape, washing machine, cappy, and game boy color. The reasoning behind grape is because I thought it would be interesting. The reasoning behind washing machine is because i saw a try not to laugh video, and there was a video in there of a man throwing a brick in a washing machine with a face on it. And i thought it would be interesting to have that on my show, he was intended to have a text to speech voice but i didn’t know how editing works so he was mostly silent. The reason behind game boy color and cappy is because of my love of Nintendo, and Mario odyssey. I remember there was a golfing challenge, and there was two teams being the bananas and the pomegranates or something like that? And there was a line from game boy color saying “I’m on it banana pants!”, Because he was on team banana. And also this is what inspired episode 6 of season 4. And there was a weird arc with ping pong ball and grape, where ping bong ball got grapes legs and grape was just limbless. And I think there was no finale and it just ended abruptly, I guess just to mimic how bfdia ended abruptly (this was before bfdia 6). But in the last episode they just moved to the city kinda like in bfdia 5, so it did “ended” but not in a conventional way. And so later on I created season 3.

 hctiws odnetnin rof elttab 

So with the 3rd season, I just reversed the letters like in Idfb. And I think the episode was just the gang just bumming around in the city, because Idfb. And there was only one episode like Idfb, and this the only bfns thing in 2019. 

Bfns: the hiatus 

So around 2019, I didn’t post a lot on the cayden r channel like what I did in 2018. And around march 2020 I kinda deleted all my video due to basically a temper tantrum, and me wanting to start over because I felt like my content is shit. But then the final nail in the coffin was me being locked out of my google account, due to me logging into my google account with my actual age but I was under the age of 13 so they locked me out. And then that led the Account to be deactivated, making the cayden r channel deleted. But then later on I created a new account called cayden limewire, but then nostalgia for bfns kinda hit me and I kinda regretted deleting those videos. And so I created a little short about cayden trying to get the gang back together but covid so they just go back home, and also there was a quiz asking who were the original characters. Because I kinda forgot about who was in it, but after thinking and remembering. I was ready to make bfns season 4.

Battle for Nintendo Switch (2021)

So here I just mostly just recycled ideas and characters from previous seasons, because nostalgia. But I did try to do some new things with it, like kool aid man hating yo yo and almost killed him, and making game boy color and pill a gay couple, and all of bfns being stories from an old yo yo. Like I tried to do something new with these characters despite being recycled, and it was kinda good. Not like the best thing in the world but good enough for a 12 year old making something, I guess my only complaints where some unfair eliminations of bread and washing machine. Bread was eliminated because I didn’t want my self insert to be eliminated, because there was only one vote and that was for cayden but I didn’t want to eliminate him so I just eliminated bread because Cayden almost saved yo yo and yo yo is biased or whatever. And i eliminated washing machine because I was lazy and didn’t want to make more episodes and so while grape was being eliminated, i eliminated washing machine because it would be a “slog to go through”. That’s also why tony was eliminated in the lava, because it was the final 5 and I just wanted to get this over with so I just eliminated 3 characters. Despite 2 of them being unfair, and the reason why there’s 2 winners in instead of 1, because of the controllers. You see the switch has 2 detachable controllers, and i thought about 2 contestants being the winners because 2 controllers. It was also just a way to get this series over with because I was lazy, yeah it was weird. Around the finale i thought about making a short about yo yo and how he made bfns named yo, or something like that. Basically yo yo and Cayden where childhood friends and later on Cayden found Nintendo Switches at the store and wanted to do something with them, so called yo yo and wanted to make a show about it and that’s how bfns was made. Looking back I feel like I would give it a bfb 30 type thing, like they watched Bfdi and inanimate insanity that they want to make something like that. There was animation and voice acting done, but wasn’t released. 

Bfns: the hiatus part 2

So after season 4 I’ve started to work on season 5, but there’s the thing. I didn’t really wrote a script, I mostly made a character list that rounded out to 39 characters, and an audition character list that was 30. So that rounded out to 69, which i thought it was cool. But I realize that a show with that many characters with a one man team would be kinda stressful and hard, but I tried despite that. But again I didn’t really wrote a script because at this time this series was improvised, there was some animation made but it was never finished. Later on in 2024, i looked back on those animations and thought of giving them a remaster. So making bfns remake

Battle for Nintendo Switch remake

So for the first 3 episodes, they were drawn and edited by me. But around episode 4, and then my friend that he could work on the remakes and he did. And he did a really good job on them, adding music and actual animation into them. And also getting voice actors like Apple queen who voices bread and 9 ball, getting voice clips for bender and Mr game and watch, and giving washing machine a text to speech voice. So yeah it was a pretty good remake over all, I did change designs and names to make them more original. currently we’re working on season 5. And I’ll make a creators commentary when that’s done. 

Battle for Nintendo Switch: extra stuff

Like I said earlier, up until now all of bfns has been improvised. A big issue with this is that it kinda has some dead air, and that can be kinda annoying. There was some scraped characters in bfns like, iPhone 1,  jalapeno, plunger, trivial pursuit Star Wars edition, milk, devil burger, Xavier renegade angel, zoidburg, paper towel, cork, eh Steve, canvas, crossbow and arrow, peanut butter, treeboty (roboty with the body of tree from bfb), weezer blue, green, aqua, red, white and black albums, Romeo and Juliet book, big red gum, crt tv, gba sp, sea mine, broom, beat, beats pill dude, Swedish fish, juicy fruit, and probably more that I’m forgetting unfortunately. 




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